Italy's New Government Vows to Expel African Invaders

Originally published at: Italy’s New Government Vows to Expel African Invaders |

Despite a few road bumps along the way, a new coalition government between populists and nationalists has been formed in Italy. The best part about this new government is that they are vowing to expel all of the African invaders that have plagued the country.


Italy’s new populist leaders commemorated the founding of the Italian republic by attending a pomp-filled military parade Saturday — and then promised to get to work creating jobs and expelling migrants.

“The free ride is over,” League leader Matteo Salvini, Italy’s new interior minister, warned migrants at a rally in northern Italy. “It’s time to pack your bags.”

The pledge of mass deportations to come was a reminder that Italy has a staunchly anti-immigrant, right-wing party in its governing coalition — and that the European Union will face a whole new partner governing its fourth-largest economy.

Earlier, Salvini joined Premier Giuseppe Conte and the rest of the newly sworn-in Cabinet to view the Republic Day parade. Italy’s aeronautic acrobatic squad flew low and loud over downtown Rome trailing smoke in the red, white and green of the Italian flag.

The national pride on display is a feature of every Republic Day, but it took on a particular significance this year after Italy on Friday ended three months of political and financial turmoil and swore in a government whose populist and euroskeptic leanings have alarmed Europe.

If this new government is only successful in expelling these monkey invaders, it will be a hugely positive step. But hopefully they can also distance Italy from the European Union, establish closer relations with Russia and stabilize the economy.



Hard to wrap my head around this but African niggers are even more stupid than the Africans-In-America.


This is very true, & is the main reason why I feel that Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was right. Improvements in diet, e.g., can’t possibly explain a 15 point increase in group IQ.

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There are no fully black basketball Americans, and the blacks are just as prejudiced against high yella blacks as they are against Mexicans and Humans.

Great news about Italy too! Once they have a deportation system in place it won’t take long for the rest of Europe to join in.