Stephen Colbert Exposes Kike Family Behind Opioid Crisis

Originally published at: Stephen Colbert Exposes Kike Family Behind Opioid Crisis |

Stephen Colbert actually did a worthwhile segment on his show recently. He exposed the kike Sackler family as being one of the main driving forces behind America’s opioid crisis.

The Sackler family has literally made billions of dollars off of these horrible drugs. It’s utterly insane that this has been allowed to happen. Not only do they sell drugs like Oxycontin but they have also branched into selling the generic version of the drugs.

The New Yorker did a whole piece on the Sackler’s last year that goes into the some of their history.

Even though Colbert doesn’t call them out for being Jewish, identifying these kike criminals in such a public way is a huge positive. It is definitely a pleasant surprise even though this is probably just a one time anomaly. Colbert has been hugely anti-Trump and generally promotes the standard Jewish Marxist bullshit on his show.

But this goes to show you, pretty much everything bad that’s been happening to America is because of Jews.


the “opioid crisis” isn’t. every time big-gov wants more power and authority they invent a “crisis”. they outlawed the relatively safe natural drugs which are always replaced with synthetic poison. stupid is as stupid does.

I actually was watching this idiot when this aired and it was a pretty good hit piece on these kikes and the pharmaceutical industry in general.

You cannot deny that a massive amount of people are on prescription pills these days- whether it be pain-killers or psych drugs or whatever- and these scumbag doctors get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies.


i don’t deny any of that. humans have been taking drugs for tens of thousands of years or longer. it really only becomes a ‘crisis’ if these folks put an undo drain on society greater than the drain on society from arresting and incarcerating them .

natural opioids are addictive but generally safe. what happened is the gov cracked down on docs prescribing them and so the drug cartels saw a money-making opportunity and invented Fentanyl a much more powerful and deadly synthetic opioid. in the words of Vlad Putin on the migrant crisis: “the was to be expected”. when our lovely gov declared war on marijuana they invented synthetic ‘spice’ laced with all kinds of crap.

you cannot stop humans from taking drugs. mass arresting people for such has only enriched the coffers of the jews who invented the private prison system BECAUSE of The Drug War arrest overflow. they even invented “drug courts” because the cases were clogging our legal system. Most of our lost liberties are because of the foolish effort to CHANGE HUMAN BEHAVIOR.

enlisting gov-goons to attack citizens over NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR is about as asinine as beating your dog for marking his territory. after a major bust do you know how the DEA agents celebrate? THEY GO TO THE BAR AND GET SHIT-FACED.

but the REAL REASON they declared yet another illegal drug ‘crisis’ is because the jew-owned private prison system needs more goyim prisoners. they pulled this crap with ecstasy long ago which is a very safe drug and now has been shown to have numerous legit medical applications. Reagan tried it with marijuana… the masses are tired of hearing about those ‘crisis’ so they invent another.

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