Hole in the Ozone SCAM Trial-Run for Global Warming Hoax

globalist filth have been attacking for a long time. everyone seems to forget " The Hole in the Ozone" BULLSHIT SCAM that forced us to spend billions upgrading our home heating and AC units and “freon” went from $1.00/can to $100.00/can. funny how that worked out for the government filth. they used this phony bullshit as a trial run for the " Global Warming " hoax which will take literally trillions of dollars from low to middle income families and give it to international committees for redistribution to nigger-shithole countries. SCAM SCAM SCAM…

for those of you who don’t know, “can duster” has similar refrigerant qualities as R12. :wink: theoretically :wink: you could recharge your r12 unit with “can duster”. it might even be possible to use can duster in your R22 home heat pump. anyone who tries this however is absolutely KA-RAZY. :wink:


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Regarding the cfc’s I read a similar article 10 years ago, while it is highly reactive with ozone in a laboratory the molecular weight of the compound is such that it can never reach the upper atmosphere in sufficient quantities to do any real damage. Also ozone has a half life of approx 45 minutes so is constantly being regenerated during the day then depleting at night. the biggest determinant on ozone is exposure to sunlight and atmosphere density. Both sunlight and atmospheric density are lowest at the poles. The atmosphere reacts like the oceans and has tides and bulges at the equator, this is why it is hot in the tropics because the atmosphere is behaving like a feather quilt with all of the insulation (atmosphere) bunched up in the middle. This is why the poles are cold, all the heat bleeds off into space also why the ozone layer is thinner at the poles. The moon also effects atmospheric tides but that is another story.

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