Islam Gets Their Own "Holocaust Denial" Laws

Europe is now officially a shit-hole. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that insulting Islam is NOT free speech so now anyone who insults a pos muslim or their pos profit will GO TO JAIL just like “holocaust deniers”. Islam will take over Europe in 20 years.


“Human rights” appears to apply only to third world invaders. Like “democracy”, it is in practice very far from what we have been taught to believe.


This really makes me gasp in shock. I can’t believe they can claim to speak on human rights yet have such extreme laws against freedom of speech.


Sounds reasonable. A religion that claims all other religions are heresies and their adherents second class citizens libel to a tax levied on all non muslims. A religion that claims all preceding versions of Mohamed-ism are now superseded by the latest and most violent version of Mohamed-ism (this is the origin of Wahhabism, ISIS and the Taliban - look it up it’s holy doctrine) it’s call Naskh (abrogation). All Pagans must convert or die. This is what the EU is defending. No wonder the UK want to leave.
Islam is a simple religion for simple people, it doesn’t belong in Europe.


The sooner the better the EU falls its a disgrace.


That’s exactly what it is… The former economic free trade union was a good thing and worked very well.
But the EU we have now is a big mess. It’s a project of complete retards…
The UK people did it absolutely right when they voted against this abomination.
They should be aware against any EU propaganda and withstand all the pressure put on them to budge them.

Europe must live. But the EU must die !!

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