Media Freaks Out Because Trump Says He Can Pardon Himself

Originally published at: Media Freaks Out Because Trump Says He Can Pardon Himself |

Rudy Giuliani was on the Sunday shows and made a comment about how Donald Trump as President of the United States has the authority to pardon himself. This caused the Jew-controlled media complex to go nuts. They’ve spent hours upon hours analyzing this subject and talking about how horrible this prospect is.

Trump poured gasoline on the fire by posting a tweet saying that he does have the power to pardon himself.

It’s funny that there are all these talking heads acting like this is some type of controversial statement. There is nothing controversial about it at all. Presidential pardon power is absolute. So while it would be political suicide for Trump to pardon himself, he does have the power to do it. But there’s no reason for him to do this because there is no evidence that he committed any crime or did anything wrong.

This is just fodder for the media. The average person doesn’t give a shit about any of this nonsense. The more they talk about things like this, the more the average person grows to hate the media and the more they want this stupid Russia probe to end.


The usual media hissy over a completely hypothetical event…

Trump is no longer of any interest to me. As far as I’m concerned there is no legitimate government running this country, it’s under enemy alien occupation.


Especially when Hillary Clinton is not in prison and not even an investigation into her well known crimes.

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