US Petro-Dollar Collapse

this is going to be HUGE… the list of countries that were invaded by the USA reads like a who’s-who list of countries that are dumping the corrupt FED jew-dollar. the stakes are very very high. it’s another way that the world can free themselves from the shackles of shekels. if the dollar takes a hit so to does ISRAEL because they are the recipient of trillions of US dollars given to them under-the-table. the Iranians started many years ago and now Argentina, China, Russia are following suit. this is nothing short of a revolution. a new-age Kristallnacht if you will… the world is sick to death of THE SCHEMING BANKSTER JEWS who are protected by the might of the US military. BushCo did 9/11 -in part- to nip this revolution in the bud but failed because Russia intervened. all they can do now is go to war with Russia and China which is what the jew-filth want. This puts, Trump in a difficult position. to continue making the economy good or do as his jew masters want and slow down his job creation so that the jew-filth can keep their all-goyim army in-tact for the upcoming big war over the dollar… The FED jews will weigh-in by hiking interest rates to cool the economy. this might however be necessary to keep inflation down but anything that they can do will only forestall the inevitable which is the total collapse of the US dollar.


The only way the US dollar will collapse is if like you suggest oil rich countries stop trading in it. Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iraq et al.

Or every other modern country on earth decided to stop trading in US dollars. Neither of which are likely to happen.

This has been discussed for years on prominent boards and in fact predicted with the fall of Gaddafi and the Syrian War.

The end result as always is that until the Federal Reserve is erased from the pages of time it will be business as usual.


Funny how Canada hasn’t even mentioned trading oil in non US dollars eh with these trade wars going down. You know why? Because Mr. Superman Liberal Trudeau would disappear faster then you can say Leafs Win The Cup.


all true… the USA is their own worst enemy. by hitting other countries with sanctions to ‘get them in line’ they are forcing them to eschew the corrupt FED jew-dollar. with russia and china leading the freedom fight things can only get worse for America.

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The USD is the cleanest ‘dirty shirt’ in the laundry. All of the other countries/currencies have defaulted at some point in the recent past and that is why the USD is enjoying such strength right now. Iran, Russia, China are all well integrated into the global financial system and that isn’t changing anytime soon. There is an economic crisis just around the corner but it will be global and the USD will not go under.

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time will tell… as i see it, the ONLY way to avoid a total collapse of the corrupt FED jew-dollar is a world war.

History shows that they will do anything to protect their interests and hide their missdeeds. Missing 2.3 trillion under investigation at the Pentagon. Several SEC investigations ongoing in Building Seven. The impact site of the first plane that hit the WTC. They would absolutely love a World War and have been doing their best in the middle east and Ukraine to get one started. The last thing they want is stability.

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Another world war will just strenghten the FED’s position. The US government will have to borrow more to fund the increases in production and war materiel. I laud your efforts in trying to bring awareness to the jewish yolk on western society that is the Federal Reserve but you need to do some more homework bro.

If you are this inclined start with World War 1 and who funded that war.

we almost got rid of the bankster filth during WWII but Hitler made a fateful error by prematurely invading Russia IN THE WINTER… another world war will not end so well for America or Europe. things have changed dramatically since, 1940.

Hitler invaded in early spring. Another world war is not going to end well for anyone.

Israel will be the first victim. Justly so, I see it as divine retribution for profiting off both world wars and the war on terror.

his troops got bogged-down in the Fall. he should have invaded in the late winter and his troops should have had winter gear. always plan for something to go wrong.

yes, hopefully Israel will get nuked into oblivion. this is why they are desperate for more land.

Lol ok man.

Heil Hitler!

i just looked it up and he invaded on june 22.

Here’s a Gold star for you.

holy crap… the germans had superior military technology. had hitler waited just one year, jet airplanes would have turned the tide for the good German people.